+64 3 443 1588 hello@landescape-wanaka.nz

Juliet’s Favourite Ride

By Juliet (Marjer) Deaton

As someone who is looking at two hip replacement operations in the near future I am truly delighted with the e-bike revolution as it has transformed my ability to actually get out and about on a bike.  The ease with which I can ride from home into town, go to one of the several dance classes I attend weekly (seven actually – don’t tell Rik, but I actually love dance even more than cycling and nothing as paltry as hip pain could keep me from my Hip Hop!), throw some shopping into my panniers and ride home in about the same time it would take in a car … is just wonderful. I truly love riding my e-bike around my lovely little town and I can always be assured of a parking place.  The section of steep road on the ride home simply goes away with an increase of power from my bike so there is just no excuse for taking the car instead of the YouMo.

My favourite longer trail ……. ?    Probably the ride from town out to LandEscape. This ride takes you along The Lakeside Track which meanders around the edge of our glorious Lake Wanaka.  You then arrive at The Outlet which is where the beautiful Clutha River/Mata-Au, the second longest river in New Zealand, exits the lake and starts its 338 km journey to the Pacific Ocean. The route, popular with locals and one of the real highlights of the area, winds around a narrow path right on the bank of the river until you reach the road bridge at Albert Town.  You then make your way to the start of the Hāwea River Track, crossing the river at the newly renovated swing bridge.   A well maintained gravel cycle path finds it’s way to the Hāwea River which you follow until you come out at the Camphill Bridge just 700 metres from the cycle entry point to LandEscape farm.  It’s a journey that takes you through a variety of terrain, with stunning scenery and beautiful places to stop and contemplate the majesty of nature all along the way. Even so, it remains a simple, gentle and relaxed family-friendly day out.

One of the most delightful experiences to be had in Wanaka, and then I arrive at my magnificent farm … the place where I feel most at peace on the planet … what more could one wish for?

Love … Marj